HERCULES Group of companies is committed to be a world-class customer focused company involved in manufacturing, engineering, construction, properties, oil & gases and medical equipment by:
- Heading towards customers’ satisfaction as our top priority by applying the “Principal of ISO 9001:2015” Quality Management System.
- Exceeding customers’ specification and requirements.
- Seeking continual improvement for the effectiveness of Quality Management System in all we endeavor.
- Ensuring the integrity of Quality Management System is maintained at all times by complying with statutory and regulatory requirements.
- Aiming to provide competitive technical solutions to all our customers through innovative designs and state-of-the-art technologies.
HERCULES also implementing the “5S System” in our organization in order to increase productivity, improve work safety, reduce wastage in workplace and encourage workers involvement and commitment for long-term workplace sustainability.
- Sort (Seiri) – Remove unnecessary items from each area
- Straighten (Seiton) – Organize and identify storage for efficient use
- Shine (Seiso) – Clean and inspect each area regularly
- Standardize (Seiketsu) – Incorporate 5S into standard operating procedures
- Sustain (Shitsuke) – Assign responsibility, track progress, and continue the cycle